We are brimming with ideas for this site and would welcome more thoughts. So far we have an initial Aerial Tour, a detailed tour of the Minster and the beginnings of a Timeline. We will be adding ‘Talking Heads’ to each building we explore.
We will be asking volunteers to provide a regular blog of life as a character from history. We will be going to schools and asking them to get whole classes to be a made-up child character from a particular era, living in a particular building or area, and having a particular job. We will provide the class with some facts about the time, what they would have known about events in Lynn at the time, or wider afield, what their life might have been like and then we will film a volunteer dressed up as that child talking about their week.
We want to capture some living history by getting 70, 80 and 90 year old Lynn people in a room with plenty of tea, coffee, cake and biscuits, and ask them to talk about the past. We will film these sessions with a green screen background and then overlay imagery. What can be better than hearing first-hand accounts of the aftermath of the war, the swinging sixties and the influx of Londoners to Lynn.
We will have a photo and video archive section. This will be protected by copyright and acknowledgements given where we do not own the source.